Thursday, October 24, 2024

GLOGtober 24': Completely Normal Girl With Too Much Blood

 For my glogtober seventh challenge but fourth entry I will be doing the prompt of ‘Romance’. I have had the weird idea for a class who’s premise was “what if you had too much blood and you needed a vampire friend to leech off the excess?” since last Glogtober and I have finally penned it. 

Warning: This class touches on themes of romance and sexuality as filtered through the fantasy of vampires. It’s advised to talk with your group on how you want to handle those topics. Playing this as a spooky minion gathering class without a hint of romance is totally possible.

Additionally this class refers to the player as female and vampires as male but there aren’t any gender restrictions.

Completely Normal Girl 

With Too Much Blood

Choose or randomly roll a background for starting skill and equipment.

For each Completely Normal Girl With Too Much Blood template get +1 HRTS.

A: Eternal Spring, Object of Desire, Can I Fix Him? 

B: Arterial Secret, Random Life Lesson, Chose Life Lesson

C: Deep Veins, Random Life Lesson

D: Vital Revelation, Chosen Life Lesson

What is a vampire?

Not just draculas who take the shapes of bats and mist, a vampire can be any of the dark and supernormal things that stalk the night in search of human blood. It matters not if they are undead, otherworldly demons, mutated beasts, or particularly depraved sorcerers. What matters is that they are full of things like prizes, and value, and quite a lot of hatred, and they would REALLY rather like to replace any and all of those things with your blood, and basically by any means possible. 

Their myriad forms include werewolves, mafiosos, ghouls, incubuses, chupacabras, necromancers, some sorts of mosquito and maybe a really big frog.

A: Eternal Spring

You were always a weak and sickly child. You would constantly suffer bloody noses, have trouble focusing on anything and spray blood everywhere from the smallest cuts. This terrible Blood has burdened you for as long as you lived.

After each meal, you gain d6 Vitae. One unit of Vitae takes up an inventory slot. At 5 Vitae you start to feel dizzy and faint, requiring a Wisdom check to concentrate, at 10 Vitae you fall unconscious, only waking up when Vitae lowers below 10. There are four ways to rid yourself of it.

  • Recuperation: It can be converted one for one to heal your HP during rest.

  • Mosquito: Vitae can be removed by a dracula or some sort of mosquito. Which is basically fine because they are made to do this. When such a creature deals melee damage to you, it will take Vitae before HP. 4 Vitae is enough to feed a medium sized vampire for a week.

  • Frog: Vitae can also be removed by, say, some kind of murdersaurus, or maybe a really big frog. This is bad because they are not made for removing blood, and your Blood knows this. When such a creature deals melee damage to you, it also takes an equal amount of Vitae. If you don’t have any spare Vitae then it just deals damage as normal.

  • Bloodletting: Anyone skilled with medicine can relieve you of your Vitae like a mosquito, an amateur  kprelieves you like a frog. If they bottle it, then they need to gather at least 4 Vitae for a useful magical or alchemical reagent. Oh, also you're a universal blood donor.

A: Object of Desire

Other girls are prettier, more popular, and more accomplished. Despite being plain and unnoteworthy you have many admirers in the dark.

Whenever you bleed, the scent is carried far and wide. The GM rolls an additional encounter check to see if it's picked up by a nearby vampire.

Reaction rolls with vampires are one step more extreme then the rolled result. Negative results mean the monster tries to eat you then and there. Positive results mean it will perform a service for a taste of your Vitae, asking for less the better the result. 

A: Can I Fix Him?

There are vampires who are not like the others. Somewhere buried beneath the prizes and hatred you can see an ember of humanity.

When you can look into the eyes of a vampire ask the GM “Can I fix him?” and the GM will give one of the following answers.

  • No, it is set in its nature.

  • No, but you can make him worse.

  • Yes, and you can make him worse.

You can recruit vampires that you can fix or make worse as unreliable hirelings paid in Vitae instead of gold. A vampire who you have changed for better or for worse can be made into a loyal retainer. Retainer vampires prioritize your well being above all else and follow all your orders to the letter, but still have the vampire nature.

If you use this power on a player character who qualifies as a vampire, the player answers instead of the GM. If you have the power to change him and both players consent to it, the vampire player can take the Suitor feature.


Be a vampire and devote yourself to your ideal prey, a Completely Normal Girl With Too Much Blood. From now on she is your Admired.

As long as you are a vampire and she is a human your relationship is ultimately doomed. You can seek a solution or quit courting her, but until then you have the following.

  • Passion: When you see your Admired bleed, make a Wisdom check or do something impulsive. Make sure everyone at the table is on the same page on what an acceptable outburst is, this isn’t a blank check to be an asshole or gross.

  • Gentleness: Even if the type of vampire you are feeds like a Frog, you can feed on your Admired like a Mosquito.

  • Devotion: You can not mistake her scent for anything else. You can always find her.

  • Attention: With a simple gesture or a few words of encouragement she can give up her action or movement to give you another one.

  • Sacrifice: Once a day you can suddenly appear to take a blow meant for your Admired, even if it doesn’t make sense how you got there.

B: Arterial Secret

You now understand what your Blood has been trying to tell you all this time. It is not a curse, but a gift, and as any gift it must be given willingly.

  • Heal: Your Vitae is eager to leave your body. You can convert it one for one to heal HP damage of someone you're touching.

  • Empower: You may grant any number of Blood Dice (which can be substituted for MD, MD, SD, CD, etc.) for a round to someone you're touching. After the Blood Dice are rolled you lose [sum] Vitae. Careful, excess Vitae loss is dealt as damage instead.

C: Not in Vein

Your Blood understands you now. It apologizes for being overbearing, it will no longer cloud your thoughts or burst from your nose.  

Vitae no longer takes up inventory slots, and you only start feeling dizzy and faint at 10 Vitae. No amount of Vitae can make you fall unconscious.

D: Vital Revelation

You know it’s kinda silly to treat your own blood as a foreign entity, where did you even get that idea? Blood isn’t even what vampires are after, not really, sure they think it’s blood but what they really crave is your animating spirit. The force that drives you to live, laugh and love. Sure, it is in your blood, but it’s also in your bone marrow, and your heart, and EVERY organ, from the top of your head to the tippies of your toeses. They just don’t get it. If anyone tries to steal your energy they will taste only copper and their own ashes.

You are immune to mind control, possession and coercion.

Your Vitae can not be taken from you forcefully. If you do not grant permission Mosquito attacks do nothing and Frog attacks only deal normal HP damage. For the same reason you can also veto effects that drain your life, soul or levels.

Life Lessons

As you grow to understand yourself, your friends, the world and the things that hunt you, learn things you never expected. When prompted to get a random Life Lesson roll a d8, rerolling if you get a duplicate.

  1. Be careful who you trust. You can now smell auras, lies and malicious intent.

  2. Discretion is the better part of valor. You can slow your heartbeat to hide your presence from predators and supernatural detection. If you stay still you can play dead.

  3. To live is to eat. You can freely speak with wet blood but it is free to lie. Blood is loyal to its source and only understands the body and feelings older than letters.

  4. We are not meant to live alone. When you share your Vitae with another, you can form a sympathetic bond. This allows you to use the Arterial Secret on them as long as you can see them, and involuntarily share dreams with each other. Sympathetic bonds can be severed with a micro-divorce. With a small ritual you can trace the psychic connections that are attached to you or your bonded. The only way a fell influence could prevent you from tracking it down is by severing the connection.

  5. People see what they want to see. There are advantages in presenting yourself as small and meek. Unless given a reason, people will naturally lower their guard around you and remember your suggestions as their own ideas. Sharp cookies get a check to catch either trick.

  6. A pedestal is just a tall rock. As far as anyone is concerned, you’ve always had royal blood. Everyone will treat you as a noble and by chance you come across an opportunity to secure a legitimate title.

  7. Nobody knows everything. You can Empower yourself to cast spells. When you Empower another spell caster, you can learn a spell from them, but only once.

  8. Sometimes violence is the answer. You can Empower yourself to perform an feat of strength, agility or endurance. Adding a [dice] bonus to the roll and dealing [sum] damage if it’s an attack. This feat can also be performed with any part of your body; grappling with your loose hair, lifting heavy objects with one finger, etc.


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