Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The First Time Changes You (Class: Assassin)


Assassin bandwagon, woo! Shout out to the unreality of numbers, from who I stole a lot of the mechanics.

Bleeding Heart

Starting Equipment: Unassuming clothes, a sentimental rock, 3 doses of sedatives, sad eyes, a case of tools from your second skill and a case of unusual tools.
Skills: Philosphy and 1.Anesthesiologist 2. Painter 3. Sheltered Child
Requirement: You can not take this class if you have killed.

A: Cipher, Innocence
B: Understanding
C: Gentleness
D: Cain

A: Cipher

There are grooves in the world, certain tendencies that things follow, the way water tends to go down hill. Grass frows, birds fly, Sun shines and people get hurt. You don't have to like it to get how this works.

You have a cipher score equal to your [templates] in Assassin. Given some unusual tools (1 slot for a case) and a few moments of fiddling, they have a cipher-in-6 chance of succeeding a cipher check, in addition to whatever the normal resolution rules are. The cipher skills of the assassins are, according to tradition, to Climb Sheer SurfacesFind Or Remove TrapsHide In ShadowsMove SilentlyPick LocksIdentify Substances and Surprise Target.

A: Innocence

You have never taken a life, but you do think about it every day. Your mind keeps drifting back to it. The ethics of what it means to kill, the countless ways someone can die, what it mans for men and dreams to end. It keeps you up at night. You fear that one day the world will force your hand, you fear that you won't be able to live with the guilt, you fear that you might like it.

The first creature you chose to kill, dies. You must still have means to do it, like a sharp rock within arm's reach or a momment with thier drink and poison. However there are no rolls or saves, it just happens.

Fortunatly for you, if the target is impervious to the method you used to kill it, then your one attempt is not wasted. However aside from that you only ever do this once, make it count.

B: Understanding

Show Vulnerability is a cipher skill for you. If you know someone's deeply personal secret, and they know a personal secret of your, then if either kills the other, they will suffer True Death.

After you first kill, you will learn the usual way these things work. For every fact that you know about your target, you have an additional +1 damage and to-hit during surprise rounds, up to a max of +4. These don't have to be major facts, but they cannot be trivial. "Drinks Earl Grey tea", "Commands the fifth cavalry", "Is named Ostruchus Poncelroy" are all good facts. "Is currently inside his tent", "Is a man", "Has two arms" are not. If you could learn it by looking at a snapshot of the current scene, it's trivial (thanks deus (thanks Arnold)).

C: Gentleness

Your hands are steady, your eyes unclouded, your heartbeat almost imperceptible. You can not kill accidentally, but if the method is excessively brutal it will still leave life-altering scars. If you are careful with your methods then you get to choose what wounds you inflict.

D: Cain

Your first kill can be used to end anything. A god, an idea, a law of reality. The only means you need is weapon that has not tasted blood. However, without Understanding it might not stay dead.


What? Do you want something else? You've been given the oppertunity to kill anything, what more could you ask for? If you already had your first kill before reaching template D, you'd benefit from multiclassing into something else.