Sunday, October 14, 2018

OSR Guide For The Perplexed Questionnaire Answering

1. One article or blog entry that exemplifies the best of the Old School Renaissance for me: This post. For it exemplifies the concept of player induced shenanigans.
2. My favorite piece of OSR wisdom/advice/snark: If it doesn't work, fix it.
3. Best OSR module/supplement:
I'm not sure I haven't used many of them, I guess Maze of the Blue Medusa, as it's the one I both have and actually run with some success. From what I've heard of it, Yoo-Suin is something I'd like, I should get around to getting my hands on it.
4. My favorite house rule (by someone else): My favorite rule is the rule by Chris McDowell that all attacks hit. It is so simple and elegant and eliminates an aspect of the game that I frankly can't care less about. Technically, the it's the official rule in Chris's game Into the Odd but all rules are house rules from the right perspective.

5. How I found out about the OSR: Arnold's Goblin Punch was the first OSR blog I came across, the rest were accessed via his blog roll.
6. My favorite OSR online resource/toy: Um, blogs with random tables? This is the first one that jumps to my mind.
7. Best place to talk to other OSR gamers: I generally talk to people via Discord. Blogs would be great if I was able to get notifications about comment threads I'm following.

8. Other places I might be found hanging out talking games: This blog, and um, I don't know. I have a tumblr for art purposes.
9. My awesome, pithy OSR take nobody appreciates enough: The real powers of the wizard isn't bending the universe to their will, it's convincing everyone else that they do. (Nobody appreciates it because I haven't dedicated a full post to it, but it won't click with most people the way it does with me.)
10. My favorite non-OSR RPG: Unknown Armies. It's a game that captures the fear of having agency that we don't see nearly enought. Also it has the most realistic "urban wizards" in my opinion.
11. Why I like OSR stuff  I want to make Secondary Worlds according to Tolkien's terminology. Doing it through books/movies/comics/etc requires me to write plot, video games require a lot of man power to make a living world and other rpg systems care about different things. With OSR it's easier to focus on presenting a world and not worry about stuff I'm not interested in. I also appreciate the DIY spirit of tinkering that is visible on display.
12. Two other cool OSR things you should know about that I haven’t named yet:Here's a cool blog which shows a lot of care put into the process of running a game. Here's another cool blog that shows another care with put into putting the medieval into the game and sometimes running really hard sci-fi.
13. If I could read but one other RPG blog but my own it would be: Bastionland, all the posts there are succinct and strike at the core of things. 
14. A game thing I made that I like quite a lot is: My post about playing dead people.
15. I'm currently running/playing: I'm currently playing two play by posts in the Discord I previously mentioned.
16. I don't care whether you use ascending or descending AC because: I use ItO where there aren't ACs.
17. The OSRest picture I could post on short notice:
Technically it's a gif, sue me.

I apologize for the formatting nonsense, I don't know what's causing it.

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