Friday, May 28, 2021

Arabus: Gnome Ann

 The wine-dark Arabus constantly churns out debris, dead fish and faiths. The Driftwood Papacy  scours along beaches and dredges with nets to rummage through these. Only the sturdy sea-bleached branches are kept, and only the suitably pungent carcasses are used for fish sauces, but each and every faith is kept. The Papacy is judgmental and rigid, but they are not book burners.

Each faith they find they rank, some are too Sputumous, others not enought, others are said to focus to much on Sweat at the expense of Tears, and so on. Sometimes faiths are found that seem to have both too much and not enought of the same humor, these paradoxes are usually resolved by finding a second humor that is being expressed in an unconventional way. Such as the recently uncovered Cult of Ieru, some early fragments uncovered by the Liturgist Elliot Cabal showed that they had an over abundance of Mucus, as the text goes into depth describing the inadequacies of spears. Another fragment indicates a lack of Mucus, in it Ieru's faithful are told to eat what is given to them without question. The current consensus however is that Ieruits did not lack Mucus, but ate anything out of a lack of Sweat. There is one deity however, for which the learned conscious is that they are both too Gastric and not Gastric enough

Doctrines and Scriptures:

Gnome Ann is an island.

There is an island among the Vineskulls, that is called Ann. No man lives there. Priestesses sworn to sleep with no man ferry pilgrims up the high cliffs to visit no man's shrine. Here people pray for things that can't happen, and too cope with the inevitable.

Gnome Ann is born wise.

No man was present to watch the Vineskulls rise from the sea. To have the first gnomes formed from sea foam and electric charge. No man was born 15 nautical miles south of Isle Ann, somewhere between the last century and maybe by the end of the next one. No man can be an island, a mortal women and a timeless god at the same time.

Time and tide wait for Gnome Ann.

There are things mortal souls can never hope to accomplish, they are frail, prone to sickness, doubtful and confused. Each person from their birth is bound to die. And yet, these same mortal souls can achieve great and terrible things, fragile boned birds have ascended to be the sun, great cities have been raised in which the gods can be forgotten, the Unliving walk despite it all. It's a puzzling paradox, no man knows what the their limits really are.

Practices of the Faith:

Or rather, game mechanics that are used to describe it. 

As an Idol in Marrow:

GNOME ANN Cast away something that can keep you safe to / gain a TREPIDATION. If you decide to not do something because your likely to fail /then for the rest of the day roll 3 dice and take the lowest when rolling with disadvantage.

TREPIDATION: Each one takes up a WIS slot, you can spend a TREPIDATION so that for a brief moment make one impossible thing possible.

As a Delta Template:

Leap of Faith:
At a high cliff Shrine to Gnome Ann, swear that you will fear no man and take a leap off it. In a pinch, any cliff would do as long as no one has leaped from it before. Lose this template if you become comfortable with your mortal limits.
When you cast aside something that can keep you safe, your hands tremble with TREPIDATION and you feel how far the horizon stretches. In this state you can do one thing no man can do, but only for a moment and then it passes.
If you ever turn away from a course of action because of it's difficulty, you will see all difficult tasks as impossible, until you do something no man can do or you get a good rest.

(Special Secret to not tell players: While the jump from the high cliff shrine looks intimidating, it's actually pretty safe. The priestesses will how ever play up the peril, by responding with cryptic silence when questions about the danger are asked, this is mostly hazing.)

Demographics of Worshipers:

In the Vineskulls most gnomes respect most deities. It's best not to piss anyone off you know? Gnome Ann is prayed to before embarking on an ambitious and dangerous venture, or to come to peace with one's failures. Individuals that dedicate themselves Gnome Ann are called Annites, their initialization ritual consists of the aforementioned Leap of Faith. Many Annites live on the island of Brobble, said to be the place Ann has or will be born, there they mostly keep their head low and quietly fish. Aside from being the port that leads to Isle Ann, Brobble is also known for how much women who love women live there. To the point that some gnomes refer to any lass loving lass as a Brobbian, even if she's never been there. You can find Annites abroad anywhere where you can find of batshit insane gnomes, they generally have big ambitions of some variety. A few succeed and become big shots somewhere or another, the ones that fail eventually end up coming back to Brobble, who welcome them as family.

There is one sect of Annites which is synchronized with Humorism to explain how Gnome Ann was able to become Gnome Ann and that anyone can do it too, which is utter hogwash. Their weird, they gastrically refer to themselves as Gnomsticism but they got like a handful of adherents? Nobody really likes them.

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